Seafoam Gaming: Sudden Second Summer Status Update

Another status update? Already?!?! Well, I felt I had some important things to note and stuff to explain as I work down my queue, so I figured I’d make another update to get it prepped for the new month of August. Mainly because some exciting things are in store, but this in turn led to some more slight delays. Hopefully when all is said and done though, it’ll be understandable why I slowed down a tad in July.

Speaking of July, yeah, it was a pretty light month on content: but not writing! The three reviews I got up that month were all very, very lengthy, more than you’d expect. The Sonic Origins Plus one was by far the most taxing, as it was drafted a bit in 2022 due to my frustrations with that game’s launch state, but I ended up shelving it to avoid it seeming like a wild ramble. Well, the Plus DLC hit and didn’t fix much of my issues, so… I wrote the ramble and in-depth review anyhow! Was still a fun ride however, and I do feel it makes for great feedback to buyers and the SEGA team at the end of the day. That was easily over 5 thousand words however, so it definitely was a majority of my july writing time.

Front Mission and Gimmick weren’t slouches in this regard either; FM took a month to play through enough that I felt confident in covering it, and Gimmick was pleasantly short and fun to cover in the meantime to kick off the month of July, but I still had tons to say. It seems even when I try, I can’t help but get overly detailed in my reviews… For better or worse.

However, as I keep up at the current queue and have mostly ignored taking in upcoming games barring some very short/retro adjacent ones, I am pleased to say it seems I should have Arcade Spirits and River City Girls 2 done sometime in August, along with hopefully Fuga 2, which will be my next big-scale review. Now that Front Mission is taken care of, that’ll be my go-to title after Arcade Spirits is caught up on. I also plan to pad the month with a bonus review of Pinball FX, since I’ve been enjoying Twilight Zone on it to a decent extent and covered Pinball FX3 in the past.

Still, the PS4 queue is huge, and with my near 5 year anniversary of Shenmue I/II on the queue, I really wanna cram time and get that out this month if at all possible. But the fears of rushing that plagued that review before my 2019 collapse keep coming back, so I’ll try to see if I can do it justice. I may just stick to finishing some of the lost reviews like Omensight and Valthrian Arc before I go to the long-term big boys, though that may be tough because well, in September I’m planning a big project of sorts. Nothing tomie-scale or even game related, but something that’ll keep me busy in August. When it’s completed, I’ll be able to explain better.

YT wise, I do plan to make another, short video! but it won’t be released for a while, likely until either after my Sept project, or if the PMD vid hits 1K views to get unsearchbanned. Though at this rate I’m noticing it picking up a little more steam, so maybe it’s just not a hot topic to do PMD content and maybe a new game would spark some life into that doc I spent 6 months making…

Still, just wanted to make this short post to go yes, I’m alive even with july being very busy due to super wordy reviews, and yes, I’m hoping to still get the queue clear before 2023 ends… It’ll be inexcusable for my delays and like always anyone/devs/pubs can contact me via the contact email on the SFG Youtube if they want me to check on the status of something or to put me on a game PR list, (just please don’t send me codes unprompted, I will not redeem them with this backlog!) but ultimately I just hope that after the September project, I’ll have the power needed to barrel through and finish the queue, with my last bit of baggage finally lifted off of me.

And then I can move onto the next Interview Initiative.

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