Seafoam Gaming May 2024 Status Update

The whole month of May flew by that fast?!? Uh, that’s concerning… Before I know it, i’ll be over 80 years old and phased out of existence, this reality ceasing to exist completely…

…Hopefully not until then. Still, I figured it was time for another status update as I have some things to hype up and talk about, and I got enough review work done that I can give some more stable ETAs at the very least. Let’s start with my biggest idea I’m aiming to incorporate, which is…

Three Days, Healthy Pace!

A month or so ago I did a crunch and put out five reviews in a single week for the first time in ages. I also noted how badly that drained me and I wasn’t sure how to really keep a good review pace going without burnout due to dealing with a full time job and certain weekend obligations on top of all that.

Well, I think I found a way, and I’ve experimented with it a bit, but have been unable to pull it off because… Well, look at the midwest and its rate of tornado warnings lately. Kinda hard to focus when anxiety kicks in so frequently. Still, I think with the few times I was able to have a mostly normal week, I’ve been able to map things out successfully! Here’s my plan for a semi-consistent schedule going forward…

So now, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday will be Review days. If I can’t get three reviews done in a week obviously (either due to focusing on one big game or something else in the way), I’ll still use these three days as the one to place my review on. Unless I get a lot of backlog made, I’ll try to save Tues/Thurs for other articles like this very status update, or anything interesting I plan to do like an interview. I got a queue review done today, and another in the works as I type, plus several newer games on the docket, so I’m hoping this should get me comfortably into June on a decent pace without much trouble. This week I aim to review a game that’ll lift embargo on Wednesday, And Rose and Camellia on Friday. The Wednesday game might be shaky, but due to it being a very recent game, I’ll have that up on Thursday if Wednesday isn’t doable somehow.

More patience please…

I keep saying I have a big interview in the works, and I do! Just please wait a bit longer; it’s in final approvals right now and I’m hoping as soon as it gets cleared I can get it out there. I can just promise fans of retro 16 bit games will like it a decent amount. I know I keep promising it every month, but when dealing in a situation where approvals are all that remain, you just gotta wait. Especially if you hope to possibly get a door open to future interviews…

But that’s not all!

After the big interview drops, I do aim to do more interviews, but like with my Famidaily interview, moreso with smaller creatives! I have a few more in mind including someone who pretty much inspired me during my high school phase and helped with my first ever Eternal Memories episode, so I’m aiming to get those started shortly after the big one has some time to shine and settle. Please look forward to some musical talent.

Tomb Raider and the Light of Day

I honestly admit, I did not expect this at all. When I asked to cover the Tomb Raider remasters back when they got announced, I figured they’d be a typical compilation I could poke at and get covered in a month. Well, it’s been several of off and on play, and even as I near seven hours of play across three games, I feel nowhere near close to satisfied with having enough time to cover them all as I’d like; Tomb Raider III was basically neglected!

Still, I really don’t like having a newer game take so long in my current routine; but I feel like I’m getting close to the end on these for sure. I’m confident June will be the month I get those remasters reviewed, and I hope you enjoy my take on that series as a newcomer! Outside of Lara Croft GO, that is… Luckily that should remain the most taxing newer game of the year, at least as far as I have planned.

Steam and Xbox goodies!

The rest of the Steam/XB queue are pretty fun, shorter indies. One is a really really good one I aim to gush about and reminds me of why I started SFG to begin with, so I’m especially happy to cover that. I’ll also be looking at Wizardry, again, from a newcomer’s POV. I’ll mix them up with some Switch stuff now and then, as that catalog will keep going until I’m down to Fata Morgana, which will lead me to swapping over to the PS4 to cover that behemoth of a queue… And by that point, I may start taking on more indies and small games just so there aren’t huge gaps between reviews due to how many damn RPGs I took on in 2019. I still curse myself for that.

Last but not least…

10th Anniversary article on Monday the 3rd! Yes, that’s 10 years since the first review I did in the SFG style ever hit the internet. Christ, I’m a fossil. It’s nearly finished too, so shouldn’t be any delays there. I’m aiming to look back on my history as a reviewer, plus also try and give a peek at a logo redesign I’ve been cracking away at, to roll out… Well, whenever I can really.

That’s basically all I got today; just juggling the quick and long as usual, and I’m hopeful I can keep the pace up well pretty soon. After all, I did surprisingly well this memorial day weekend getting lots of notes taken and reviews drafted/worked on! That should give me a good buffer for a while…

Until next time, take care and be safe.

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