Search for The Dungeon Masters breaks 1K views

I think I can brag a bit here.

My Mystery Dungeon documentary, based off the interview I did early last year, has finally passed one thousand views. Originally I hoped to meet this goal in a month via aggressive sharing and word of mouth but well, Twitter’s downfall, YT search/shadow banning my video (it wouldn’t show up unless you did a 1:1 match with the title), and just general difficulty getting anyone to know it existed really made it a rough battle. I was told by some friends that if it hit 1K or picked up enough steam it would get recommended more in the YT Algorithm, so hopefully this is the start of more people being able to enjoy the full tale of how I tracked down Tomie and Yamamoto to thank them for changing my life.

Speaking of, why not watch the vid right now if you haven’t? If you love Pokemon Mystery Dungeon and the stories within those games, or even the Shiren the Wanderer series, you might as well learn more about wonderful man who wrote those games, and how it impacted my life.

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